Step 1 of 24 - Patient Information
I, the Patient, recognize and agree that neither NeuSpine Institute nor its healthcare providers must bill any insurance available to me (except as required by Florida PIP laws) when the cause, in whole or part, of my condition(s) for which I seek any service(s) from NeuSpine Institute is a tort (the negligence of another), be it a motor vehicle collision, slip or trip and fall, or any other tort event, and in a tort setting NeuSpine Institute is hereby authorized not to bill any health insurance source available to me, including but not limited to Medicare, Medicaid, or other governmental insurance source. Regardless of whether there is any other possible payer (other than me) that may be available to NeuSpine Institute as a source for payment of my medical bills in whole or part, no matter what the cause of my condition(s) for which I seek any services from NeuSpine Institute, I, the Patient, hereby agree that I shall remain liable to NeuSpine Institute for payment of the full amounts charged to me by NeuSpine Institute for the services rendered by NeuSpine Institute, I have no right to seek or compel NeuSpine Institute to reduce any bill to me, and in any event, I hereby waive any alleged right I may have to seek or compel NeuSpine Institute to reduce any bill to me.
Any Follow-up appointment cancellation or no-show in which a 24-hour notice is not provided, will result in a $50 charge. Any Injection appointment cancellation or no show in which a 24-hour notice is not provided, will result in a $75 charge.
After three occurrences, you will be terminated from NeuSpine Institute. If we terminate our service with you, we will be happy to transfer a copy of your medical records to your new physician upon receipt of a signed authorization to release records. I, the Patient, recognize and agree that even if NeuSpine Institute terminates its relationship with me, I shall remain liable for payment of the full amount of all charges billed to me by NeuSpine Institute.
Late Policy:
The clinic has limited waiting time for your appointment. If you are more than 15 minutes late, your appointment will be rescheduled.
**Mark the following conditions/diseases that you have been treated for in the past**
Please list all medications you are CURRENTLY taking. Include all over the counter medications.
Local Pharmacy
Mail Order Pharmacy
Acknowledge of Receipt
I have reviewed the NeuSpine Institute LLC Notice of Privacy, which explained how my medical information will be used and disclosed. I understand that I am entitled to receive a copy of this document at no cost to me.
I hereby voluntarily consent to medical treatment, including diagnosc procedures, surgical and other medical services, provided by NeuSpine Instute LLC or their authorized designees, as they may in their professional judgment be necessary to provide appropriate medical, surgical, or emergency care. I agree to reimburse the fees of any collecon agency, which may be based on a percentage at a maximum of 50% of the debt, all costs, and expenses, including but not limited to reasonable aorney’s fees that may be incurred in such collecon efforts. I authorize but do not require NeuSpine Instute LLC physicians to submit claims to my insurance for services rendered by my medical providers. To be clear, NeuSpine Instute LLC is free to choose not to bill or seek payment from any insurance carrier of mine, except for PIP (as required by Florida law). I authorize the release of any medical informaon necessary to process this assignment on the claim. I authorize payment to be made to NeuSpine Instute LLC physicians for services provided by them if NeuSpine Instute LLC chooses to bill insurance.
HIPAA Privacy Authorization Form
Authorizaon for Use of Disclosure of Protected Health Information
(Required by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, 45 C.F.R. Parts 160 and 164)
I Authorize NEUSPINE INSTITUTE LLC to use and disclose the protected health informaon described below.
By signing:
Assignment of benefits, liens, direct payment authorization, authorization to release
insurance information, and authorization to escrow unpaid medical & PIP benefits
NeuSpine Institute LLC
For and consideration of NEUSPINE INSTITUTE LLC agreeing to pursue the responsible person(s), which may include tortfeasor(s) and/or insurance carrier(s), for payment of benefits due and not requiring prepayment for services, I hereby irrevocably assign all rights and benefits to NEUSPINE INSTITUTE LLC for Medical Payment Coverage, and other benefits which I may have in accord with Florida Statutes §627.736. This includes any benefits from my insurance company and any other entity that may be responsible for medical expenses incurred. I further authorize NEUSPINE INSTITUTE LLC to collect payments & prosecute any necessary actions to collect payments for services as they see fit and allowable by law and contract. THIS DOCUMENT CONSTITUTES AN ASSIGNMENT OF RIGHTS AND BENEFITS.
This assignment concerns only the bills for NEUSPINE INSTITUTE LLC and those costs including, but not limited to, attorney’s fees, other costs, and interest necessary in procuring payment from the above-named insurance company and/or other entities. This assignment is not intended to assign any other causes of action that may belong to the undersigned patient. I agree to pay any applicable deductible or copayment not covered by any policy of insurance I may have. I understand that as a benefit and convenience to me, NEUSPINE INSTITUTE LLC may choose to bill or pursue collection against an insurance company or other responsible entity.. I hereby instruct and direct my insurance company that if billed by NEUSPINE INSTITUTE LLC to pay my benefits directly to NEUSPINE INSTITUTE LLC on the address provided on the bill. If my current policy prohibits direct payment to doctors, then I hereby instruct and direct my insurance company that if billed by NEUSPINE INSTITUTE LLC to make the check payable to me and mail it to NEUSPINE INSTITUTE LLC at the address on the bill. NEUSPINE INSTITUTE LLC’s medical care is being provided for a reasonable fee for treatment that I have sought out under my above-mentioned insurance carrier and is medically necessary from my perspective. I instruct my insurance carrier to pay these bills to the full extent of my available benefits under the insurance policy and Florida law. If any portion of the charge for these services is either reduced or denied in whole or in part, my insurance company is to place funds equal to the amount of the reduced or denied charges into escrow and hold the escrowed funds until agreement or resolution of legal action by NEUSPINE INSTITUTE LLC. I further instruct my insurance company that if billed by NEUSPINE INSTITUTE LLC, to make payment for charges thusly submitted by NEUSPINE INSTITUTE LLC in priority to any other request to escrow benefits, including a request by myself to reserve benefits for pending disability claims. I hereby give NEUSPINE INSTITUTE LLC limited power of attorney to endorse and sign my name on any draft for payment to either NEUSPINE INSTITUTE LLC or myself if said draft represents payment for charges related to services rendered by NEUSPINE INSTITUTE LLC.
I further direct my insurance carrier to provide information to NEUSPINE INSTITUTE LLC which is otherwise available to me including but not limited to the amount of copay of any applicable insurance policy, declaration page, all applicable endorsements, transcripts and/or copies of any recorded statements, examinations under oath and request for same, independent medical evaluations and requests for same, and peer review reports, this request includes the name of other medical providers to whom payments have been made under my policy of insurance. If any language within this agreement has the effect of invalidating this agreement , that language shall be deemed void and the remainder of the assignment shall maintain full force and effect. A photocopy of this assignment shall be considered as effective and valid as the original. Nothing in this agreement constitutes a delegation of any duties I may have under any policy of insurance to which I am a party.
If NEUSPINE INSTITUTE LLC elects to bill my insurance, I am responsible for copays, co-insurances, and deductibles prior to my office visits and surgery date if surgery is necessary.
If patient is incapacitated or under the age of 18, please indicate the patient's name, guardian name and relation to patient and obtain guardian signature.
Mark the following symptoms that you currently suffer from within the last 2 weeks
Onset of Symptoms
Pain Description
Interventional Pain Treatment History
Please mark all of the following treatments you have had for pain relief.
Instructions: this questionnaire has been designed to give us information as to how your back pain has affected your ability to manage everyday life. Please answer every section and mark in each section only the ONE box which applies to you at this time. We realize you may consider 2 of the statements in any section may relate to you, but please mark the box which most closely describes your current condition.
Disclosure for outstanding balances with active appointments.
Please be advised that Neuspine Institute is required to collect on any outstanding balances prior to appointments. It is the patient's responsibility to check what is owed from their insurance company's explanation of benefits (EOB) to determine what is outstanding. Any balances over thirty (30) days will need a full payment before being seen. In the event that no payment(s) can be made, then Neuspine Institute has the right to reschedule/cancel the appointment until the balance is paid in full or on an active payment plan is on file. Please keep in mind that payment plans for any accounts with balances over $500.00 will be considered after review.
By signing this form, you acknowledge that you are aware of the possibility for your appointment to be canceled or rescheduled due to the outstanding balance(s) and that a full payment may be needed to place you back on the schedule. If you have any question(s) regarding this disclosure, you may contact the Financial Counselor at 813-333-1186 ext. 425. Thank you for your cooperation on this matter.